Ephesians 2 Ryan Dean We were dead, dead in our sins, walking in an empty way; following the Prince of this age, slaves to his voice whispering. With hearts of stone and minds of darkness, numb to God and deaf to truth; Locked up in a fallen nature, children of the wrath of God. C1: But God, who is great in love who is rich in mercy, made us alive; In Christ who bore our sin, even as we loved not, laid down His life. C2: By grace we have been saved it is not of works but the gift of God and so we can never boast for by faith alone we are justified. C3: And God has raised us up and seated us in the heavenlies so that through the endless age He might show his kindness to us, his own. (c) 2007 Ryan Dean Music www.ryandeanmusic.com